AAOS and Cohere Health have formed a partnership to improve the prior authorization process (PA) for musculoskeletal care on a national scale. Recently, we co-authored a whitepaper outlining how combining Cohere's technology and AAOS's clinical expertise is transforming the historically burdensome PA process into a strategic asset for health plans, enabling better relationships with providers and improving patient outcomes without delays.
Reorienting PA Around Evidence-based Care Paths, Integrating the AAOS Guidelines
Rewarding (and Defining) with Green Lighting Approach
Cohere's technology leverages data-driven intelligence to "green light" physicians who have high approval rates for specific services. Their unique approach has been proven to reduce the overall amount of administrative burden caused by PA without jeopardizing patient care or safety.
Partnering on a Data-Driven Approach to Ensuring High-Quality Care
AAOS and Cohere are piloting a program with physicians in the AAOS American Joint Replacement Registry (on a voluntary, opt-in basis) who can qualify for green lighting based on their performance against select metrics - namely, 90-day readmissions, home discharges, and patient completion of pre-and post-op health status assessments. This program will shed light on predictors of quality for learning and provider feedback around the operationalization of green lighting.
Interested in learning more? Download the whitepaper: Reimagining prior authorization for musculoskeletal care
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