AAOS Registry Program Blog

AJRR Announces Top 5 Blogs

Jun 27, 2018 12:00:00 PM

AJRR's Top 5 Blogs

Since its inception (January 2018), this blog's following has been growing steadily. We would like to take the opportunity to thank our readers for their participation, contributions, and feedback. Currently, 5,000 health care professionals receive the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) Blog by email weekly. Others access it though the AJRR website, via a keyword search on the Internet, or on Twitter. Our audience consists of AJRR participants/subscribers, other AJRR stakeholders, and institutions that have indicated an interest in joining AJRR. 


Most Popular Content 

Blog content is chosen to address diversified, sometimes controversial, clinical and registry issues/opportunities. Some of the most popular topics deal with translating registry findings into clinical practice. The selection criteria for our most popular blogs-to-date (Top 5) are based on number of views, submitted comments, and reader follow-up requests. In case you've missed any of the Top 5 blogs as identified by the actions of your peers, access them below. You can also share past blogs that may interest your colleagues with the social media icons below the title of each blog post.

AJRR's Top 5 blogs:


Reader Comments and Requests

"This was a great article [Providence St. Joseph Health: Surgeons Unify Registry Structure]. Do you or can you get a PDF version? I'd like to share with my hospitals. I suspect there are many others that would benefit from reading as well," requested by OrthoCarolina Hip and Knee Center, Carolina Medical Center.

Typical reader requests are for clarifications, links, or PDFs of "how-to" material included in a blog post. The Providence St. Joseph Health and patient-reported outcome blogs both generated requests like these. Reader comments, on the other hand, often encourage additional coverage of a specific topic, as occurred with the "THA and TKA Surgical Insights" blog post and others that source findings from AJRR's Annual Report. "Are My Patients Sicker Than Yours?," a blog on risk-adjusted data that just missed the Top 5, received many comments indicating that readers were "Looking forward to seeing more on this [topic]." These comments are important to guiding our writing staff to content our readers value.


Hot Topics Coming Soon

  • TriHealth Good Samaritan Hospital: Registry, Evidence-based Medicine (EBM), and Integrated Clinical Pathways (ICPs)
    An AJRR subscriber captures the intersection of data, EBM, and ICPs (July 2018).
  • MountainView Regional Medical Center: AJRR Helps Orthopaedic Center Earn Joint Commission's Gold Seal (August 2018)


AJRR wishes you and your families an enjoyable July 4 holiday. The next blog will be distributed on July 11, 2018.



For information about the AJRR RegistryInsights™ platform, speak with a Business Development Representative at (847) 292-0530 or Request A Demo today!


Be sure to leave a comment in the form below!


Topics: Registry Program Blog

A Message for Our Readers

This blog was created by the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR), part of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Registry Program. The blog is part of our commitment to improve orthopaedic care through the collection, analysis, and reporting of actionable hip and knee arthroplasty data. Our purpose is to communicate with others in the orthopaedic field who share the same commitment. Watch for weekly news alerts, quick tips, actionable checklists, best practices, and research findings posted to this blog. It will be information you can use each week!

The more interactive you are, the greater the value shared. Visit us at www.AJRR.net, speak with a Business Development Representative at 847-292-0530, or follow us on Twitter.

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This Week's Blog

  • Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - AJRR Announces Top 5 Blogs


This Week’s References

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AJRR RegistryInsights™

As a health care provider of orthopaedic services, you can access information about joining AJRR and RegistryInsights by visiting www.ajrr.net or speaking with a Business Development Representative at (847) 292-0530.  New Call-to-action

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AJRR Staff Writers

AJRR Blog posts are researched and created by AJRR staff writers: Karen Metropulos, Erik Michalesko, and Lori Boukas. If you would like to contact the writing staff, email us at AJRRinfo@aaos.org


This blog shares health care information from a variety of independent expert sources. Some sources offer opinions that may be of interest to other professionals facing similar challenges. Our approach helps ensure diverse, well-rounded presentation of important, often complex health care content. Shared content does not necessarily represent AJRR or AAOS findings and practices.